Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Recent Adventures

Instead of going shopping the day after thanksgiving, we went on a 5 mile hike. These are some pictures of our adventure. The day was a little cold, but don't worry, Hannah was bundled up nice and warm and she was one of the few who didn't get cold. This place is called the "Citadel" and is out on Cedar Mesa (near Blanding). There is this cool penninsula as you can see behind us in the first picture. The drop off on either side is about 500 feet! The view was amazing!


Jamie said...

YAY FOR BLOGS!!! I am so excited that you are blogging :) It is so fun to see all the pictures and everything that is going on! And I love the pictures of Hannah. She is such a cutie! I think you guys are fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! It will be so fun to keep track of your family via your blog! Wow! a 5 mile hike....Hannah is quite the trooper. What a fun adventure! I still remember all the early morning shopping years...those were fun too.
Love you all! Hugs and kisses to little Hannah.
Love, Aunt Louann

P.S. Maybe I should start a blog of all my trips that I do..